Top 5 Reasons to use NextJs

Top 5 Reasons to use NextJs

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Next.js is a powerful JavaScript framework for creating websites and web applications. It provides an easy-to-use interface for creating React applications and is quickly gaining traction among developers. In this tutorial, we'll explore the top five reasons to use Next.js.

1. Easy Setup & Maintenance

Setting up a Next.js project is easy and requires minimal setup. Unlike other frameworks, Next.js does not require additional configuration or boilerplate code to get started. It also comes with built-in support for hot reloading, enabling developers to quickly make changes to their code and see the results in real-time. Additionally, Next.js is open-source and maintained by the React team, so developers can be sure that their project is up-to-date with the latest features and bug fixes.

2. Built-In SEO Optimization

Next.js comes with built-in SEO optimization features. It automatically generates static HTML pages for each page in your application, which helps search engines index your content quickly and accurately. Additionally, the framework provides support for meta tags and Open Graph protocol, allowing developers to customize how their pages appear when shared on social media.

3. Server-Side Rendering

Next.js enables developers to render their application on the server-side. This allows for faster page loads and better performance on slow connections. Additionally, server-side rendering can be used to create static pages for your application, which can be used to improve SEO and performance.

4. Static Export

Next.js also comes with a built-in static export feature. This allows developers to export their application as a set of static HTML, JavaScript, and CSS files. This is useful for creating static websites that can be hosted on a variety of platforms, such as Amazon S3 or GitHub Pages. Additionally, static export can be used to create a single-page application (SPA) that loads quickly and requires less maintenance.

5. Code Splitting

Next.js comes with built-in code splitting capabilities. This allows developers to split their code into smaller chunks, which can be loaded only when needed. This helps to improve performance and reduce the size of the application. Additionally, code splitting makes it easier to debug and maintain large applications.


Next.js is a powerful JavaScript framework for creating websites and web applications. It provides an easy-to-use interface for creating React applications and is quickly gaining traction among developers. In this tutorial, we explored the top five reasons to use Next.js, including its easy setup and maintenance, built-in SEO optimization, server-side rendering, static export, and code splitting capabilities.

For more information, please refer to the official documentation for Next.js: https://nextjs.org/docs/ (opens in a new tab)