Next.js vs. Create React App - Choosing the Right Framework

Next.js vs. Create React App: Choosing the Right Framework

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When it comes to choosing the right framework for your project, two popular choices are Next.js and Create React App. Both help developers to build React applications quickly and easily, but each has its own unique features and strengths. In this article, we'll compare Next.js and Create React App to help you decide which is the right framework for your project.

What Is Next.js?

Next.js is a JavaScript framework created by Vercel (formerly known as Zeit) that helps developers to build React-based applications quickly and easily. It offers a range of features, such as server-side rendering, static site generation, and automatic code-splitting, which makes it an attractive choice for developers looking to build fast, modern web applications.

What Is Create React App?

Create React App is a command-line interface created by Facebook which helps developers to quickly create React projects without having to configure complicated build tools. It offers an easy way to start building React applications with all the essential features, such as Babel and Webpack.

Comparing Next.js and Create React App

When comparing Next.js and Create React App, the primary differences are in the features they offer and the amount of configuration required. Let's take a look at the specifics:


Next.js offers a range of features, such as server-side rendering, static site generation, and automatic code-splitting, which makes it an attractive choice for developers looking to build fast, modern web applications. Additionally, Next.js offers built-in routing, API routes and much more.

Create React App, on the other hand, offers a simpler feature set. It offers the basic features required to start building React applications, such as Babel and Webpack, but does not offer the same range of features as Next.js.


Next.js requires a bit more configuration than Create React App. In order to get the most out of Next.js, developers need to configure the server-side rendering, static site generation, and code-splitting features.

Create React App, on the other hand, requires very little configuration. In fact, most of the configuration is done automatically when you create a new project.


When choosing between Next.js and Create React App, it's important to consider the features and configuration required. If you're looking to build a modern web application with many features, Next.js is a great choice. However, if you're looking for a simpler solution that requires minimal configuration, Create React App is a great option.

Whichever you choose, it's important to make sure that the framework you select is the right fit for your project.

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